Sunday, February 10, 2008

Possibly no point...

Hey all, sorry it's been so long since I've written. I realize almost nobody is actually reading this so typing an apology might be foolish and is unnecessary. But it's been written and I don't feel like backspacing.

You're probably wondering why exactly I've titled my blog "Possibly no point". Well don't look too deep into it; it means what it says. I feel the need to write, yet I don't have a particular point determined so it's a warning not to expect any cut in stone message.

I've been reading a lot lately (I received 10 books for Christmas and I've bought a few since then). I might be over doing it really. I'm way behind in reading everything, but I continue to pick up a book every time I see an interesting one; which is pretty much every time I walk into Books-a-Million, Barnes and Noble, or The Book Mark (a local mom and pop bookstore). I can't help it really, I just seem to enjoy increasing my knowledge of random stuff.

Anyone who has read my profile already knows my love of books is vast. I literally love reading everything. It's humorous though, I'd never consider myself a book worm or anything. In fact, just look at me. I look like I'm a logger or something. It's humorous to see the looks I get when mentioning my love of books.

Anyway, enough about reading.

I'm enjoying school right now. It isn't too hard and my schedule is naturally pretty easy anyway: English Lit., Biology 104, Survey of the New Testament, and The life and teaching of Jesus. It's a very relaxed schedule. I felt I owed it to myself (even though I haven't actually had too hard of a schedule to relax myself from.

Well that was a short post but I felt I should put something.

God bless you,

Ben Estes

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