Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thoughts on Jonah

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I could probably make excuses but I'll spare you them.

I was looking at Francis Chan's blog (check my links) and really enjoyed what he had to say about Jonah. It would probably be a good idea to watch it before reading on:

Doesn't that make you think?

As Francis said the repentance was immediate. We have never seen anything like that before. It's funny because we have all heard the story of Jonah getting swallowed by the large fish (whale) and that he later goes on to do what God had originally asked him to do. But I never really let the rest of the story sink in. I'm not sure if that is because it was never told to me, or if I just didn't listen any longer. But really sitting down and reading it, after Francis opening my eyes to the rest of the story, it's quite remarkable that he would turn an entire 120,000 person wicked, wicked city in one day.

As Francis said, it is hard to believe because it doesn't happen (at all) anymore. I'm not sure if that is due to no one listening to God, as well as Jonah eventually did, or what. Irregardless that is still powerful and amazing that God would instantly have everyone repent from the sermon of one man. It makes me think of the rapture really. That must have been a sight for Jonah to witness. Everyone covered even their animals in ashes and rags. They were so sorry for what they had been doing and in awe of God's power that they were not taking any chances on upsetting the Lord. That's powerful. I only wish I would become as open to doing God's will as Jonah was. It's unimaginable what the Lord could do if me, or any one of you reading this, allowed God to use us entirely and without hesitation.

God Bless you,

Ben Estes